Hello, visitors! Welcome to this, my Very First Ever Blog Post!
I do not claim to know what you are thinking (that would mean that I have psychic powers – I do not) but if I were you I would probably be thinking “Who is this girl?” and “Why should I care what she has to say about anything?” and probably “Why did I eat all of those meatballs? Now I feel ill.” (This is if I were you, so you would have eaten all of those meatballs, because that’s what I just did).
The first question I can answer fairly easily. This girl is a broke University student from Ontario, Canada with too much free time, an internet connection, and unhealthy snacking habits. She enjoys sleeping, reading books with no intellectual merit, and ranting about things that most people just accept and get over.
As for the second question? Well… I’m not entirely sure. I don’t know who you are, so I can’t know the exact reasons why you would want to read my blog… Perhaps you are interested in the slightly mad ramblings of a 22 year old with an anxiety disorder. Maybe you’re bored and wasting time by reading reviews, sex advice and lunacy. Maybe you were looking for a recipe for meatballs and somehow got suckered into this post because I have mentioned meatballs an inordinate number of times for a blog post that really has nothing to do with meatballs. (If it’s the last one, I apologize for misleading you, but am pleased that you are still reading).
Third question? Because meatballs are delicious.
For those of you still reading, good for you, for sticking out my inane blatherings and seemingly unending obsession with meatballs (I promise I’ll shut up about the meatballs now). In the future of this blog, I hope to bring you chuckles about everyday nonsense, insight into the workings of a sleep-deprived mind, and maybe a little bit too much information about the contents of my living room.
Cheers till next time!
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